B&W preset Collection
Black & White, call it a night
I have this ongoing, tongue-in-cheek thing I say when I am struggling to land on a color edit that I’m pleased with - “I’ll just make it black & white and call it a night.”
Now, I’m not advocating that black & white edits are any less valuable than color edits; I’m simply saying that B&W edits are eeeeaaasssily more readily pleasing to the eye than struggling with white balance issues in some color photographs.
Besides, black & white images have a very particular timelessness that makes even the best color image worthy of a black & white duplicate.
Want to add more value to what you can deliver to clients? Pop one of these 6 versatile presets on copies of your color edits and painlessly multiply the value of your project delivery.
for only $10, you can’t afford not to…